Wednesday, December 29, 2010


aaaaa...just a simple word will do. that's what they said. but human never satisfied. they just don't get it. why? i can't understand why they said things they don't know. huarghh..human never get enough. they never listen. they never quit to make other life miserable. i hope there's someway someday to be my day.

i hate my past yet i accept what has happened. n i just prayed and prayed things will get better in my life. am i prepared for the next in my life? duhh i don't know. thing will get better. get away from them. get distant from them. just fairly live your life. hey. buy me a life?nope. thanks. i have one now. so please, go away and let me live my life.

p/s: mak, ayah, kak, kakcik, banji, kakak, adik, awpitz,i miss you all dearly.

pp/s: i love my husband. thank you, Allah. you create a life i don't even ever imagine.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nak seribu daya

Beberapa minggu lepas sebelum konvo, bos ade kasik 2-3 task untuk aku settle kan sebelum g cuti. Tapi disebabkan kekangan masa dan wang ringgit, aku xdapat nk fin kan job yang bos bg. After one week, barula bos interkom aku n asked for the task. Dengan konfiden pg anta kat opis die n finally penat2 aku buat die reject. Frustnya jangan ckp la. Sebab buat bagai nk rak. Tapi kaw kaw kene rejek.

Kerja aku skrg mmg totally different dengan keje ak yg dulu. Dulu aku design je. Orang lain yang tolong run atau kire. Tapi now, aku pulang yang nk kene kire bende ni. Ceyh.

Tapi lame2 aku makin rase da bley plak nk wat bende ni. Cumenya nk ke tak nk je. Kalau xnk, bley blah.

Tak lame lagi plak nk raye aji da. Aku mmg nk sesgt blik kampung. Hubby pun da ckp bley je nk blik. Die pon da ok klu nk blik. Alhamdulillah... Syukur sgt.

Tapi Alamak bos bg ker, huhu.. naseb btul la aku klu dapat blik pon. Bos pn macam kejar ini itu..uhhh..

AKU NK BLIK PEEDEE...huargghh...

p/s: arini aku teringat lagi mak nye asam pedas ikan terubuk. Ohh...miss miss miss you mum~!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

~After a few MoNthS~

Setelah berbulan2 lamenya...akhirnya...bukak jugak ak blog nie. Lame btul x jenguk. Berkurun da kot. Kaka..Anyhow, past these months, lotsa thing happened. LOTSA. Can't even believed that I've already married. N now, sah da jadi PUAN. Kat official letter pn da letak MRS. Hua...btul ke ak da kawen ni. Xpecaye nye...

Lagi satu, konvo da dekat. Ade dalam sebulan je lagik. Da la bru lepas raye. Haish... alamatnya baju konvo ni pakei ape ade jela..sabo je la. Apepn, really thankful to ALLAH the Al-Mighty who gave me the strength all this while. Hopefully the past will strengthen my becoming.

Anyhow, guys, let's pray for now and the future, but don't ever forget to ask for forgiveness. Xkirela pada mak ayah adk akak abang sedara kawan. Tuhan jangan cakap la. KOMPOM hari2 kene mintak ampun. (Aku da tambah sorang pulak nk minta maaf..haishh). Xsusah pn nk mntak maaf. Janji hati ikhlas dan niat pun suci, xde de org tu nk cemuih kite.(Ingatan untuk diri sendiri jugak)

Lagi satu! kalau hutang ngn org tu, cepat2 la kite bayor. Dapat je duit, langsai kan la skit2. Jangan tunggu sampai da nk abis nafas bru nk tringat. Tuhan kire dr satu ke satu sen duit yang kite guna. Asal mane, sape punya, kite bg sape. Bak kate, SEMUA sen lah. Jadi, bayor la hutang. (Ingatan untuk diri sendiri jugak)

Kite tatau bile kite nk mati. Kalau org yang ade penyakit kronik tu, bulela barang sepam dua nk agak2. Kalau kite ni? yang sehat walafiat jibam jibam ni? confirm le xtau. Mcm Allahyarhamah Datuk Sosilawati tu. Alih2 je kite dengar die hilang. Tak dan ape2 dah kua pulak brita Meninggal dunia (Innalillah-Al-Fatihah). Seram sejuk dibuatnya..sebab tu Nabi ajak kite peringat kan hari kematian..brula nnt kite sentiasa igt, kite xboleh buat jahat. Buat baik je buleh.(Ingatan untuk diri sendiri jugak)

Sementara bernafas ni, berbakti la pada kedua org tua kite. Walau ade seploh hengget pon, bg je kat mak. Janji die tau kite syg kan die mcm die syg kite. Kalau ade lg byk lebey, bg la pulak kat org yg susa. Anak yatim, org oku..mcm2. Contoh pegi pasar malam. Dalam tangan ade duit belen lima posen bli laksa. Lalu-lalu kat tengah org ramai tu, mesti ade pakcik2 makcik2 yg tgh nyanyi lagu retro 70-an. Bagi jele..50 sen pn..bknnya xde makne..ade...janji IKHLAS...ade je kebaikannya nnt. Ade lg byk bule bg, lg afdal. Lega pakcik makcik tu. Bole la tahan nk makan nk bli baju ke ape ke klu ramai2 bg 50 sen. Duit ni xle kedekut. Tp kene la berjaga2 jugak. Klu kene tipu ke kikis ke..Wallahualam..Tuhan je tau..(Ingatan untuk diri sendiri jugak)

p/s: Buat keluarga Allahyarhamah Datuk Sosilawati dan rakan2 yg meninggal dunia, tabahlah menghadapi dugaan. Tuhan Maha Kuasa, setiap berlaku ade hikmahnya, InsyaAllah. Semoga roh2 mereka tenang di alam sana, kite pn di akhir zaman, pasti bertemu masa mati jugak nanti.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

-after 'that' kinda life..this is the life 'now'-

Last week had been hectic for me. With my life as no longer a 'student' makes me wonder how would my life headed to. Would working be my only life after this? Couldn't imagine what more will come what more will appear and...what more to dissappear..

One day when i was doing my job, as i passed through the lane i saw an old little lady. With another two or three lady, working slowly and carefully finishing the cement line for the houses. I thought immediately, how on earth people could let this old lil lady working so damn hard here? HERE? not suppose to be a battlefield for them. There, it was really so very HOT and i myself couldn't stand for more.

But then..nothing more i could do..only smile them and said " Dear Lord, My Mighty Lord, My Mighty Rich, My Mighty Health and Wealth..i pray to You, so You will make their easier.." slowly and softly in my heart.

I hope my parents will never felt and went through this kind of roughness anymore. I wish i could give them countless happiness.

Working. The only way that I could do to make my family life to betterment..But harder and smarter..I wish my luck will always be LUCKY..Amenn..