Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kak Ruzille

A little late this morning i received an email from sum1. an invitation to read her blog. private invitation.hehe..special nya tayeeee....never came across my mind that it was my senior. this lady, tell ya ol...she's d*mm witted. kaka. anyhow dis is wat happened to her recently. sumtin dat clearly happened to me not very long ago. u can tell only by reading this..what she's been tru..oh kak ruzille...tayee support kak 251% tauuuu...

this is wat she said in her writing, gile kewl and strong. u r so tabah kak.

By RuZiLLe


setiap ape berlaku perlu redha
anggap saje sume berlaku kehendak dan ketentuan Tuhan.
percaya pada qada dan qadar
mungkin kamu dapat yang terbaik lepas ni
dia bukan untuk kau
jadikan ini pengajaran dan belajar dr kesilapan
bodoh!die bodoh bkn kau!
hukum karma nnt
tabah beb~
ko nk ak pjak kepala die?
lagu ni aku tuju kat ko.sabar ok
ak bersyukur punya org sekeliling yg begitu memahami dan menyokong.(menyokong itu supportive)

dan akhirnya ak redha tentang ape yang berlaku.dan aku tau Allah itu MAha Adil dan Maha Mengetahui..

pg td ak dgr radio
sesungguhnya memaafkan org itu satu kebaikan dimana Allah akan memaafkan kite seperti mana kite memaafkan orang di akhirat kelak..

Fuhh...zaman skrg same je mcm zaman dulu.xde beza. kite ditinggalkan dan mane paling perit. tepuk dada tanya jantung (tiru ayat kak ruzille). untuk korunk2 kat sne.jgn la tggl kan org. sakit die mcm kene tikam dengan jutaan ribu million kaca...nnt kene kat korunk balik bru la korg tau langit tu tggi ke rendah. (ckp based on experiences. da kene batang idung senirik bru la nak nanges jam tu jugak..haisHh...)..taye menyesal..uhuuuuu T_T

Part maaf memaaf tu taye xle bg komen sbb taye rase xsedia lg nk bg komen. acceyhh~gile ayat x kewl lgsg. d*mm je lebey. haiiyaRkkkk...mau pukul org ini jam juga~

Untuk kakak taye: nyanyi skit kat kak ruzille

"i'm so hot!namo na yippo ni~!i'm so cool~lalalalA~i'm so hot hot HOT~! kYyyyaaaaa~"

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Mula berjalan
Dipimpin dua manusia
Raja dan Permaisuri

Melihatmu dari kejauhan
Lantas ku percepat
Langkah yang dahulunya biasa
Tinggallah Raja dan Permaisuri

Seiring denganmu
Kamu itu pimpin tanganku
Dengan senyuman yang menawan
Aku tahu senyumanmu itu

Duri menikamku
Pegangan tangan kamu lepaskan
Kamu hilang aku tiada arah tuju
Aku berhenti kamu maju

Menyusur jalan itu
Sejenak berpaling
Melihat kamu di belakang
Benarkah aku memilih merentasimu?

Aku berpaling lagi
Melihat kamu memimpin yang lain
Lalu aku memutus mara tanpamu
Kembalilah aku pada
Rajaku Permaisuriku

Kamu itu..Jalan Pertamaku...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Luqman Hakim

when i was a young girl, my mum awis put me n my brother under her supervision. i was like hell wana play with her when she played 'masak-masak' with others who are in the same age with her. but they awis refused me and 'kicked' me outta game.duhh..but back then i was so very the good type when i was never 'memberontak'. i was the 'org denga ckp' type. and my brother, he'll jus played around on his own. at the end, i'll ended up playin with him. only the two of us.

i remember 1 time..that time was one of my earliest memories in my life. i was about 5 and my brother was 3. out of nowhere i found a pen. oh but!not was 2. 1 blue and 1 red. that time i dont know why but my brother and i started to 'draw' on each other. i mean like on my 'skin' !!(not wearing the shirt??why lahh..huhu). like heaven we kept on drawing and drawing until......

"Ya Allah!!!!!apa nak jadi ngn angpa ni???xdak gheja len ka!!"suprised gile when my father who just came back from work, shouted at us.(this was the part where children suppose to say -yey yey ayah da balik!)
immediately he grabbed both pen and...apalagi? we're scolded lah~...after that father asked my brother and me to 'clean' the mess we brought and he don't wanna see a single trace of coloured pen line on our body...with tears we tried our best to brush it off. (i think like a week or so the pen traced on our body before they completely dissappeared.bese la.pen dlu2 kan dakwat high klas.bukan cm skrg.ciplak je lebey) haila...gila ka apa main pen conteng2 ke adik punya pasallah ni..(padahal my fault cuz i was the one who found the pen..) huuuu...and the most annoying part..u noe what??from afar i saw her laughing and giggling together with the other...huaaa..hated her so much.......

but now..i'm so big girl..thinking back again..she's the kindest person in my life..i value her so much..noe what?she gave me everytin she had to help me.never care for a 'balasan'.everytime i had problems..(esp financial) she's the one hu come upfront to solve it..i grew up with her and i can't believe she's married now.with the person she ever love ever since. n now..n again i cant even believe..she had a baby boy..urghh..n he is so d*mm cute. ;) named Luqman Hakim. every now n then i awis cannot help it when i saw this boy..n miss him so much..huhu... love ya sis..u're the best!