Monday, August 31, 2009


i saw my rumet yg gile tgk blog ari2..asked her.."rumet ape yg ko wat neyh"..then she replied.."haha..entah aku maen bukak je UrL yg dak2 ni gak"..n this is about a year or so.lastly one day i was triggered to open 1 of these things..then from that moment i started to read 'those things' bende alah neyh ialah..BLOG..pastuuu..ha...terdetik kat ati..'best gak'.org kat surrounding pon byk berciter psl blog2 osmets, cosmets and even my bro.cme ade yg best ade yg buhsan ade yg so-so tp smenya adelah ilham mereka yg tersendiri.agak respect pd mrk2 ni yg sggp luang kan mase tuk bende2 gni.the point of creating the blog?only they knew.

bile da stat bace org pny blog, i then plak ade rse nak wat blog senirik..pergHh tingginye cite2..bukak tenet pon atas rse kebosanan yg teramat sgt...i pon click lah...'create blog'.haha first time rse cem pelik je.tatau mao tulih pk pk tertype jgk la ayat2 yg sekian kat atas tuh.

byk jg bende yg nk dikongsi sebenarnya.sbb setiap org ade their own i'm starting to give away sumtin dat i myself don't even know yet.if my writing x ok then it's all my fault.if ok, sile2 la bace.

till then...bye2!!