Saturday, December 5, 2009

hey ya ol~!

"Berikanlah masa untuk ku
Mendendang kasih dalam syahdu
Tidak terhenti pilu di dada ku
Terlepas bayangmu"

Memburu Rindu, Hattan

to all, don't be such an @#s%^L# to say i'm in love. Duhh..nak kena lempang try lah okay.

Actually this is for my dearest friends. Who've been with me for these past 5 years. Through pain and rain. Through thunder and wonder..


::You been a great accompany to me ever since we met. You always here even though you were silence when i were by my side, and unbelievably, it do comforted me with your silence::

::You been a wonderful friend to me although you always called me 'hey gumuk~!'. Sounds terrible, but somehow somewhat someway, it do let us be together. Thanks for your countless kindness to me::

::You are annoying~!! But then, i always love you~ ahakS. That annoying part always come with laughter. You make our day. Miss your crappy words. Mwahaha..::

::Miss your tutttt..hehe..sorry and thanks for everything. Though we only have a semester at home, it really let my heart closer to you. You are always too good to me. Thanks for all your help::

::You too. i only get to know you for only a semester. wish i had known u earlier. nice meeting you nad.::

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I was running late when I bumped into You
And there You were smiling at most
I stopped to keep my breath
Then You gave your hand to hold on to
I tried to take it

I was running late
So I started to run again
When I stopped to catch my breath again
I turned back to see You

Now You are good
With someone You always do
I smiled to You
Waved my hand
Miraculously You waved back

Now we are good

Now I have to run again

On my way
Even though I was hurt by the shards
Even though I barely survive
I can smile
To know that I had once bumped into You


Thursday, November 12, 2009

nearing the next step of my life.a whole new spectrum!

nak kne pk.byk bende nk kne pk.igt kan da nk abis ni bole tenang.rupenya x.3 weeks lg mao pulang ke kg da.for good.for betterment.urm...byknya....byknyaaaa.....byknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..

nk kne pk lg.btul ke da nk abis?mau msuk ofis?aik.btul ke?kakak sv tmpt intern suh msuk cpt."akak nk ajak ko joging, akak da gemuk skrg"..haish..kakak punya cun slim melim pun ckp diri gemuk.abes i ni ape?gedempol gajah bunting 5 bulan?

td pom untuk kesekian kali bos i kol.."siti bila abes exam. bile nak pulang ke negeri. bile nk ni bile nk tu." huu...baik bos..i pasti kan dtg ke opis. xkn nk duk bwh ketiak mak pulak. uhuk~mane tak nya. keje x apply mane2 pon. mane nk dapat kije nya?yg ade pn mata sapu je la.xpela. bak kate kakak sv kat opis "kau carila pengalaman dulu.akak da kaotim baek punya kat bos." patut la beriya2 bos ni....ade org pancing rupenya..kyA~makceyh bos..makceyh kak nor~ (xde la taye makan nasi jd gumuk bertan tan lg kat umah)

omG....stil cannot believe nk masuk keje da...bukan berlagak beb, i mmg rse xlayak nk keje lg.terase diri begitu kerdil.dlu kat opis wat design simple2 je.letak2 water supply mane saje suke. letak2 manhole mane aje rse bley blah. letak2 slope mane aje rse canthek. suke btul i kene mara ngn mr.sara. bkn ape. aja bagai nk gile xreti2 gak. slow btul la i ni. tp for real, once i get to work, i am a concentrator. smpi kan org tnya i x layan. denga tu denga. tp makan mase jugak la. nk tau knp? org tu da tnya agak2 dlm 5 minit bru i jwb. ciss bhy btul processor i ni. haha,yela kan. ram tgh process designing. yg remeh2 kite tggl kan la.

mase intern jugak la i kenal the whole seremban. from mambau to lobak from labu to senawang. central seremban apetah lg. petik jari je beb. lps ni da keje kat seremban lg pnjg la my langkah. my rumet pn pnh ckp mebi her family gonna move to nilai cuz her mom xlarat da nk travel from usj to klia. letey beb.klu kat nilai sng skit her mom nk g keje. dr 45 minutes jd la 15 minutes. 30 minutes saving.kewl right. cost and time effective.ha....kalu da die pn duk kat nilai....ape lil sisters ape lg.terketik-ketik la mintak tgk muvi every wiken.(sob sob sedey x pat blanje my siss mkn pizza mse blik uma dad asek roger suh blik awl je.seb bek smpt lyn pisau cukur.ihik~xpe siss nnt i bwk u ol k)

kat cni jugak la i blaja ckp chinese.8 months kat dlm tu.da bley phm ape derang ckp.derg kutuk ngutuk pn kite le phm.

ho leng
ho sek
ho pao
ho liao
leng loi
leng lai
leng chai

nth hape kebenda lg lah.bnyak incredibly i'm good at it.(pasan nk mati)



nk kne pk byk lg lg.haish..btul ke nk abis ni.sggp ke berpisah dgn kawan2 terchenta..?aishhh...

xbersyukur btol la aku niyhh kyaA~

apepn, RE Consultant, here i come. wait yah Haji. 1/1 i masok la.(bg la can nk rest kjp after exam.ehe)

lalala~love negeri so much!


ouh jatuh chenta sama itu mamat yang gol kan 1st goal at minute ke 19~!heeeeeeee~kyAA~!

Monday, November 2, 2009

rumet sy~

rumet sy sgt cantek~
rumet sy sgt baek~
rumet sy xpnh mara~(hurm?)
rumet sy kdg2 weng~
rumet sy kdg2 ngade~
rumet sy kdg2 buat2 comel~(hurm?)
rumet sy kdg2 ala2 mak org~
rumet sy kdg2 xde hati perut~
rumet sy kdg2 ade hati perut~
rumet sy jrg hampakan sy~
rumet sy sllu syg sy~
rumet pon syg kamo~(gile ghey?)
rumet sy, kamoo mmg sgt besh~
rumet sy, nnt kalu da abes blaja jgn lupa sama sy yah~
rumet sy, sy sedey mao pisah sama kamo...g mana sih kalo akoo itu bgn dr tiduran kamoo nga ada..berat bgt sih sama akoo...
rumet sy, jgn sedey mao pisah sama akoo yah..

p/s: post ini tiada kene mengene dgn yg masih idup atau pun mati kecuali sy dan rumet sy shj.huargh..nantOk~!kyaaaA~ (rumet tayee cantek jgn jeleS)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kak Ruzille

A little late this morning i received an email from sum1. an invitation to read her blog. private invitation.hehe..special nya tayeeee....never came across my mind that it was my senior. this lady, tell ya ol...she's d*mm witted. kaka. anyhow dis is wat happened to her recently. sumtin dat clearly happened to me not very long ago. u can tell only by reading this..what she's been tru..oh kak ruzille...tayee support kak 251% tauuuu...

this is wat she said in her writing, gile kewl and strong. u r so tabah kak.

By RuZiLLe


setiap ape berlaku perlu redha
anggap saje sume berlaku kehendak dan ketentuan Tuhan.
percaya pada qada dan qadar
mungkin kamu dapat yang terbaik lepas ni
dia bukan untuk kau
jadikan ini pengajaran dan belajar dr kesilapan
bodoh!die bodoh bkn kau!
hukum karma nnt
tabah beb~
ko nk ak pjak kepala die?
lagu ni aku tuju kat ko.sabar ok
ak bersyukur punya org sekeliling yg begitu memahami dan menyokong.(menyokong itu supportive)

dan akhirnya ak redha tentang ape yang berlaku.dan aku tau Allah itu MAha Adil dan Maha Mengetahui..

pg td ak dgr radio
sesungguhnya memaafkan org itu satu kebaikan dimana Allah akan memaafkan kite seperti mana kite memaafkan orang di akhirat kelak..

Fuhh...zaman skrg same je mcm zaman dulu.xde beza. kite ditinggalkan dan mane paling perit. tepuk dada tanya jantung (tiru ayat kak ruzille). untuk korunk2 kat sne.jgn la tggl kan org. sakit die mcm kene tikam dengan jutaan ribu million kaca...nnt kene kat korunk balik bru la korg tau langit tu tggi ke rendah. (ckp based on experiences. da kene batang idung senirik bru la nak nanges jam tu jugak..haisHh...)..taye menyesal..uhuuuuu T_T

Part maaf memaaf tu taye xle bg komen sbb taye rase xsedia lg nk bg komen. acceyhh~gile ayat x kewl lgsg. d*mm je lebey. haiiyaRkkkk...mau pukul org ini jam juga~

Untuk kakak taye: nyanyi skit kat kak ruzille

"i'm so hot!namo na yippo ni~!i'm so cool~lalalalA~i'm so hot hot HOT~! kYyyyaaaaa~"

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Mula berjalan
Dipimpin dua manusia
Raja dan Permaisuri

Melihatmu dari kejauhan
Lantas ku percepat
Langkah yang dahulunya biasa
Tinggallah Raja dan Permaisuri

Seiring denganmu
Kamu itu pimpin tanganku
Dengan senyuman yang menawan
Aku tahu senyumanmu itu

Duri menikamku
Pegangan tangan kamu lepaskan
Kamu hilang aku tiada arah tuju
Aku berhenti kamu maju

Menyusur jalan itu
Sejenak berpaling
Melihat kamu di belakang
Benarkah aku memilih merentasimu?

Aku berpaling lagi
Melihat kamu memimpin yang lain
Lalu aku memutus mara tanpamu
Kembalilah aku pada
Rajaku Permaisuriku

Kamu itu..Jalan Pertamaku...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Luqman Hakim

when i was a young girl, my mum awis put me n my brother under her supervision. i was like hell wana play with her when she played 'masak-masak' with others who are in the same age with her. but they awis refused me and 'kicked' me outta game.duhh..but back then i was so very the good type when i was never 'memberontak'. i was the 'org denga ckp' type. and my brother, he'll jus played around on his own. at the end, i'll ended up playin with him. only the two of us.

i remember 1 time..that time was one of my earliest memories in my life. i was about 5 and my brother was 3. out of nowhere i found a pen. oh but!not was 2. 1 blue and 1 red. that time i dont know why but my brother and i started to 'draw' on each other. i mean like on my 'skin' !!(not wearing the shirt??why lahh..huhu). like heaven we kept on drawing and drawing until......

"Ya Allah!!!!!apa nak jadi ngn angpa ni???xdak gheja len ka!!"suprised gile when my father who just came back from work, shouted at us.(this was the part where children suppose to say -yey yey ayah da balik!)
immediately he grabbed both pen and...apalagi? we're scolded lah~...after that father asked my brother and me to 'clean' the mess we brought and he don't wanna see a single trace of coloured pen line on our body...with tears we tried our best to brush it off. (i think like a week or so the pen traced on our body before they completely dissappeared.bese la.pen dlu2 kan dakwat high klas.bukan cm skrg.ciplak je lebey) haila...gila ka apa main pen conteng2 ke adik punya pasallah ni..(padahal my fault cuz i was the one who found the pen..) huuuu...and the most annoying part..u noe what??from afar i saw her laughing and giggling together with the other...huaaa..hated her so much.......

but now..i'm so big girl..thinking back again..she's the kindest person in my life..i value her so much..noe what?she gave me everytin she had to help me.never care for a 'balasan'.everytime i had problems..(esp financial) she's the one hu come upfront to solve it..i grew up with her and i can't believe she's married now.with the person she ever love ever since. n now..n again i cant even believe..she had a baby boy..urghh..n he is so d*mm cute. ;) named Luqman Hakim. every now n then i awis cannot help it when i saw this boy..n miss him so much..huhu... love ya sis..u're the best!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


the day before utp stat klas my osmets gather to celebrate our 3 beautiful ladies punya burfday kat tepi tasek. as well, da alang2 celeb, kitorg pn sambut la raya skali. gile sbb walaupon seme bz still have time together to celeb the burfday. msg2 dlm fikiran da rse tensi sbb byk gile keje nk kene catch up. demi rakan2 terchenta we 'ol lpekan smeta and have fun a lil'. a lil' je tao sbb mmg sekejap gile.

ptg tuh tgh2 siap sempat lak a kitty ni curik sekor sotong untuk masak mihun goreng. bergegar 1 house denga Key jerit 'kurang hasem punya kucin..!!!' kiki..le gelak jela pastu. nk wat cemne da rezki die kan?(the kitty dgn pantas dan yakinnya membawa lari sotong dr tmpt kejadian..d*mm!)

finish memasak seme trus bergegas g tepi tasek. nyanyi2 lagu raye2...nyanyi2 lagu burfday. cam budak kecik. the most sweetest thing ialah every1 dpt their own cupcakes. comel gile xbley blah. haha..kredit to kaksha n key yg tolong bli kat lumut. the burfdays girls pulak kne pilih color for their present. aza nk oren, zah nk kuning, eni nk putih. tgk2 derg dpt teddy orang utan yg kiut gile. kesian eni sbb salah pilih kaler putih.'cepat kotor..wuwuwuwuw...'. xpe eni le masok washing mesin. kua2 je da jd bululess.

ape lg dr stat smpi da nk blik sesi menangkap gambo x abeh2 sbb kitrg ni mmg gile nangkap gambo.dr sejak dlm womb mmg kami ni ske bergambo la agaknya. tp siyesly the session of our celebration mmg sekejap gile.xdela byk mne gambo ditangkap. otw blik sempat lg singgah chancellor hall amik gambo kat 'kitab' utp.time kaksha tgkp gmba sesorg seme kaco.majuk la kaksha smeta.hihi..jgn mara kaksha nnt cpt tua.

nk dipanjangkan cter....blik tu si eni yg brani pegi la men mecun kat lua time utp tbe2 blackout.triggered by the boys, eni pon apelg.dgn bangganya mengecas 1 demi 1 mecun n bunga api yg die ade.


'hey girls, girls, stop it..!' 1 of the resident kat tgkt atas tego kitrang.seems like foreigner from sudan or egypt, somewhere like that lah. mara2 kitorg suh benti men mecun.pahal?takut g la masuk blik.nk dok luar knp plak.did we play in your room?korang merapu menjerit ala2 indian bley plak?siyesly kalu derg berkumpul bermula la tragedy bg kitorang. mane tak nya menjerit merapu bagai. gile ke hape. ni kitrg men mecun pon yg korg nk kecoh2 nk report la ape la pahal? bile denga they called us 'bit*h' eni lg galak la mengecas. geram gile.xlayan derang trus je men. kami dengan riang gembira trus bermain.



derang simbah air daaaa....ayam betul...last2 kitrang amik decision finish the mecun n msuk nk gado2.kang xpsl2 ade yg kne buang sbb gado plak.

ending nya igt kat ctu je. then about 1 hour later the foreigner turun bwh n tny who the girls yg men mecun td. i pon suh my osmets yg xtau pape ckp xtau pape. mls nk lyn.

berakhirla 1 mlm celebration yg penuh advanture...thanks kwn2 yg ya all..


p/s:the non-official total gambo yg kitorang tgkp ialah 203.kikiki...tu tak campur kamera i lgik~wahaha..walaupon sejam je celeb...boley plak tgkp byk tuuuu.....kejap je~konfirm mmg gile gambo!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kak Cik II

'knp pulak ustaz ni'..pelik btul..kak cik berkira-kira dlm hati.cuba menganalisis semua perkara dlm kepala otak.

"kwn baik sy tgh cr calon menantu untuk anak sulung dia.sebaya dengan awk.da keje.awk pk lah zila.nnt beritau sy.okey?"buat seketika kak cik blur.'ape neyh..'hati bergolak-golak ingin bertanya.ustaz tambah lg,"sy tau ape yg kamu fkr xmain-main zila.cbe la.mgkn ni jodoh kamu..klu kamo ok,mereka jemput kamo ke dan istri akn bwk kamu.." kak cik mengambil langkah bijak dengan berkata,"sy xtau nk ckp ape.terkejutnya..xpela blik fikir ada mak ayah lg.."

smpi je kat blik my sis trus tepon mak.mak dan ayah gilir2 nasihat kat my mak lah yg terlebey excitednya.ske bebenor.ayah pulak cool je.xckp ape sgt.cme 'jaga diri' je nasihat dia.anak2 da besar.da bole fkr senirik..hurm..btul tu ayah..hehehehe

kesimpulannya, ayah mak bg green light..

nk dijadikan cter.....mase pegi umah bkl mentua tu..mak nye berkenan la ngn my sis ni..anak xckp ape pn lg..mak da terlebey girang.mane xnye.tau2 je org sekampung kat parit buntaq~! jejak kasey plak..sibuk tny my sis kampung ni kampung nun.seb bek seme my sis dpt jwb.hehe ala-ala subjek geografi gtu..

to be continued:Kak Cik III

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Kak Cik I

recently my sister named kak cik wat suprised kat my parents where she said some1 is coming untuk merisik dia.aiks~?pelik sbb my sister xpenah bercerita pasal men for these past few years.and according to my observations..die nk pegang enset pn ssa.hurm..apakah yg sdg berlaku sebenarnya?

rupa2nya.. day mase my sister tgh berdiskas ngn lecturer die pasal her final project, suddenly lectrr die tanye.."zila, sy tertanya2 tgk kwn2 kamo sume da bercincin.kamu ni..kosong je..boyfriend kamo x ajak bertunang ke?" (my sister ni die amik pendidikan islam kat she intermingle with people sort of tend to get married earlier.jgn terkejut but it's a fact that most of her friends have been married and got children too, even they are still studying)

"sy nmpk cam ada bf ke ustaz?".."eh kamo xde bf zila??kamo ni sume lengkap sy tgk.xkn xde kwn2 laki kot..".."la..kwn laki mmgla yg bf tu xdela..sapela nk kat sy ni ustaz.."..caiyt kak cik ni bermadah plak.nyampah!seram jugak la tp bile denga ustaz tny gtu kat my sis ni.xkan nk jdkn my sis 2nd wife??waa...jgn sis lawa kot~bg la yg best2 kat die...."betul ni xde sape2?xbaik tipu zila"..."Ya Rabb..ustaz ni xkn sy nk tipu bende2 da 24 yrs old kot...bende2 gni mne le men2.."..ustaz pon termenong smeta.pastu


ustaz tu seluk fon kat poket n dail sumtin.then my sis yg kat depan ustaz terus ternganga bile die ckp kat call receiver tu "assalamualaikum..ya maulana!ana ada di depan bkl menantu ente.ana sudah jumpa calon yg pling sesuai untuk ente.bla bla bla bla bla..".stlh lame berckp akhirnya talian diputuskn.tersengih2 ustaz pndg my sis ni plak kelu xterkata.

to be continued:Kak Cik II

Monday, August 31, 2009


i saw my rumet yg gile tgk blog ari2..asked her.."rumet ape yg ko wat neyh"..then she replied.."haha..entah aku maen bukak je UrL yg dak2 ni gak"..n this is about a year or so.lastly one day i was triggered to open 1 of these things..then from that moment i started to read 'those things' bende alah neyh ialah..BLOG..pastuuu..ha...terdetik kat ati..'best gak'.org kat surrounding pon byk berciter psl blog2 osmets, cosmets and even my bro.cme ade yg best ade yg buhsan ade yg so-so tp smenya adelah ilham mereka yg tersendiri.agak respect pd mrk2 ni yg sggp luang kan mase tuk bende2 gni.the point of creating the blog?only they knew.

bile da stat bace org pny blog, i then plak ade rse nak wat blog senirik..pergHh tingginye cite2..bukak tenet pon atas rse kebosanan yg teramat sgt...i pon click lah...'create blog'.haha first time rse cem pelik je.tatau mao tulih pk pk tertype jgk la ayat2 yg sekian kat atas tuh.

byk jg bende yg nk dikongsi sebenarnya.sbb setiap org ade their own i'm starting to give away sumtin dat i myself don't even know yet.if my writing x ok then it's all my fault.if ok, sile2 la bace.

till then...bye2!!